It was a lazy Sunday afternoon. The heat from the New York air and sun were seeping through the blinds. I threw the covers off and stared at the ceiling. Was it ever going to get better? Was I ever going to stop missing him? I look to my left at a stationary figure. He was tall. The muscles in his back flexed as he began to wake and turn over. "Goodmorning." He said. I just smiled and rose from the bed, walking towards the small kitchen only seven feet from where he lay. "Coffee?" I asked. He nodded. He had dark hair and mysterious eyes. He mildly reminded of John Dillinger in Public Enemy. A mysterious man of power like Victor in Mumbo Jumbo; my eyes met the book that sat on my side table. He could be anybody. I didn't even know his name. It was then that I heard it. A buzz buzz buzz--pause. Then again, buzz buzz buzz--pause. I looked to my left only to see a small fly propped on the cabinet. I recalled the time that he, now my ex-boyfriend, had dove across that same kitchen to smash a fly much like the one I was staring at. I walked around the counter to grab one of my sandals that was on the floor. And then... SMASH! "It's guts now replaced what was the fly on the wall. I turned around and looked at the lazy stranger boy and said, 'You can go now.'"

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