Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Spray Can

"My arms are dirty because I don't know how to use a spray can." An array of colors were everywhere, black, white, blue, red, yellow, green, you name it. The spray painted plastic tarp spread over everything in my tiny studio apartment. I stepped back and stared at my master piece and smiled. It was almost tiring using my cheek muscles because it had been a while since I had smiled. Why had I not smiled? It was a combination between his leaving and my loneliness; but somewhere between the lack of sleep and tears, I had found time to paint, or well, spray paint. I had tried something new and it felt great. Maybe that was the key to recovery from heartbreak. Jumping out, taking a chance, trying something new. I lifted the spray can and continued to spray, and once again... a smile shone big and bright across my face.


Monday, October 15, 2012

Sunday Morning

It was a lazy Sunday afternoon. The heat from the New York air and sun were seeping through the blinds. I threw the covers off and stared at the ceiling. Was it ever going to get better? Was I ever going to stop missing him? I look to my left at a stationary figure. He was tall. The muscles in his back flexed as he began to wake and turn over. "Goodmorning." He said. I just smiled and rose from the bed, walking towards the small kitchen only seven feet from where he lay. "Coffee?" I asked. He nodded. He had dark hair and mysterious eyes. He mildly reminded of John Dillinger in Public Enemy. A mysterious man of power like Victor in Mumbo Jumbo; my eyes met the book that sat on my side table. He could be anybody. I didn't even know his name. It was then that I heard it. A buzz buzz buzz--pause. Then again, buzz buzz buzz--pause. I looked to my left only to see a small fly propped on the cabinet. I recalled the time that he, now my ex-boyfriend, had dove across that same kitchen to smash a fly much like the one I was staring at. I walked around the counter to grab one of my sandals that was on the floor. And then... SMASH! "It's guts now replaced what was the fly on the wall. I turned around and looked at the lazy stranger boy and said, 'You can go now.'"


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

One Fine Day

One Fine Day

As I walk down 86th Street, I reach the west end of Central Park. It's a beautiful day and the streets are filled with tons and tons of people of all shape, size, and color. The bright green leaves of the trees are glistening in the sunlight, still wet from the sun shower that morning. I can smell the smog and grime of the city, yet something about it makes me happy to be there. I walk to the center of the park and sit beneath a large common bald cypress tree overlooking a pond. I lay down and gaze at the sky and everything seems to be perfect. I close my eyes and think to myself: I can't believe I am here. This dream of mine, my life, all coming together at once. "I'm so far. From all of it. It's...exhilarating, frightening, and it's a relief. I'm on my own." I open my eyes and take in a deep breath of the summer air. It will be fall soon and that's when it will all begin. Everything I've ever dreamed of and everything I have worked for, it is finally here at last.
